Create Coupon

Step by step guide on how to create a new coupon

1. Click on Content, Coupons & Add New

Step 1 screenshot

2. Fill out the Title for the Coupon

Step 4 screenshot

3. Select "Activation type"

Choose the "Click Only" option if you wish for Members to activate their coupons solely by clicking on them. If however you wish for Members to scan the Venue QR to activate the coupons choose the "Click & scan QR" instead.

Step 5 screenshot

4. Check points_required

If you want to require Members to spend points to access coupons, enable the "points_required" option. Then, specify the number of points deducted from their wallets upon coupon activation.

If you don't want to take points for the coupon activation leave the "points_required" turned off.

Step 6 screenshot

5. Upload a Preview Image for Coupon

The preview image serves as a visual representation of the coupon for Members to view before opening it.

To upload an image, click on the upload_icon or drag your preferred preview image directly into the Preview image area. (Please note that providing a preview image is mandatory. Coupons without a preview image cannot be saved.)

Step 7 screenshot

6. Adjust the preview image & Save

Step 8 screenshot

7. Upload the Detail Image

The Coupon Detail image is displayed within the main body of the coupon after a Member opens it from the coupon list.

To upload an image, click on the upload_icon or drag your preferred preview image directly into the Detail image area. (Again please note that providing a Detail image is mandatory. Coupons without a Detail image cannot be saved.)

Repeat the same steps as you did for the Coupon Preview image.

Step 10 screenshot

8. Fill out the main body text

This section is used to provide additional information about the coupon to the customer.

Step 13 screenshot

9. Configure the toggles

Active toggle: Coupons that do not have this toggle turned on will not be visible to members.

Pinned to top: This toggle makes sure that the coupon is visible on top of the list of coupons available in the app.

Reusable: Toggling this setting on ensures that the selected coupon can be used multiple times.

10. Adjust the Coupon Scheduling options

Display From: This date indicates when the coupon will become visible to Members.

Valid From: This date indicates when the coupon will be accessible (valid / functional) to Members.

Valid Until: This date indicates when the coupon will stop being accessible (valid/functional) to Members.

Step 16 screenshot

11. Adjust Coupon Expiration overrides

If you wish to set a time limit for Members to activate and redeem the coupon, enable these toggles and set the desired limit (in minutes, hours, or days).

For /more information on Coupon Expiration Overrides, please refer to the following article Configuring Coupon Overrides

Step 19 screenshot

12. Add segments

You have the option to send the coupon to everyone, or you can choose to send it only to specific Members by selecting the corresponding segments.

Step 21 screenshot

13. Add a coupon to a specific category if...

If you wish to categorize a coupon, you can select from the available category list. If no categories are available, please refer to the Category section for further guidance.

Step 23 screenshot

14. Save the Coupon

Step 24 screenshot



Depending on the type of integration, coupon codes can be essential part of the loyalty journey. For more information refer to this article Adding Coupon Codes