Adding Coupon Codes (manually)
Step by step guide on how to add coupon codes manually.
1. Click on Content
2. Click on Coupons
3. Click on the coupon you want to add Codes for
4. Click on COUPON CODES
5. Add codes manually
You can either add coupon codes manually or if can import them from an external file.
6. Fill in the Coupon Code details
7. Type "123456"
8. Click on stock
9. Type "1234561"
10. Type "1"
11. Fill in the coupon code details and Save
Coupon Code: Internal code used for identification purposes.
Output Code: Code displayed to Members after coupon activation.
Coupon Type: Character encoding of the coupon.
Stock: Specify the number of available coupon codes or enable the unlimited toggle option.
Updated 10 months ago