Feature Overview
- Create/modify consents across all channels directly from Content Cockpit
- Versioning and consent events (you can prove what version each user signed)
- Texts are held directly in TRIFFT so you can link the consent version with its wording
- Automatic "re-consenting" to latest version
- Ability to set required/optional consents
- Ability to set read_required parameter - this forces the user to scroll down through the entire text before providing consent
The Consent management allows you to create and modify consents dynamically across all channels.
Creating New Consents
- Select Settings -> Consents
- Click the Add new button
- To create your first Consent, fill in the fields as described below:
Basic info
Any short name (for your reference only)
- TC - general terms and conditions
- DPR - data protection regulations
- DP - data protection
- OUT_MARKETING - general marketing communication
- OUT_SMS - text messaging
- OUT_EMAIL - email communication
- CUSTOM - all other project-specific consents
- Required - forces user to provide consent to be able to use the loyalty program
- Read required - user must scroll down through the entire text before providing consent
Name prefix, Name, Name suffix
All these texts are visible to customers in the loyalty program.
"Name" (the middle field) is the official consent title, which appears clickable and links to the full version of the consent within the loyalty program. The name prefix allows you to give the consent wording better structure, as well as the name suffix.

- Registration - Consent is required during the registration process
- Settings - Consent is placed in the Settings/Account/Profile section
You can opt for both of these options.
Once completed, do not forget to Save your changes.

Adding New Consent Copy
After saving your changes, you will be automatically redirected to the consents preview screen. Click the pencil icon to add your Consent copy. Scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click the "Add new" button.
You will be prompted to fill in:
- Note (a short optional text)
- Body (the actual Consent copy)
Once completed, save your changes or directly publish the consents.

The system automatically recognizes when a new version of consent is created, you may preview the versions by clicking the eye icon, or duplicate them by clicking the duplicate icon.

Updated 8 months ago