Creating Leaflet

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating and configuring Leaflets in the system.

Create a new Leaflet

  • Navigate to the Content (1) and select Leaflets (2).
  • You will see a list of all Leaflets saved in your project.
  • To create a new Leaflet, click the Add New (3) button located in the top-right corner of the page.
Create a new Leaflet

Create a new Leaflet

Basic information

  1. Enter the Leaflet name:

    • Provide a title (1)for the Leaflet.
  2. Upload a Preview Image:

    • Upload an image that will serve as a preview (2)for the Leaflet.
    • This image will be displayed in the Leaflet list for easier identification.
  3. Upload the PDF Document:

    • Select and upload the PDF file (3) that will be linked with the Leaflet.
Fill the Leaflet Title and upload a preview image of Leaflet and PD

Fill the Leaflet Title and upload a preview image of Leaflet and PDF


  1. Enable scheduling:

    • Turn on the scheduling button (1).
  2. Set Display and Validity Dates:

    • Click on the calendar icon (2) to set the following:

      • Display From: The date and time from which the Leaflet will appear in the app (sometimes you may want to show upcoming leaflets to your customers in advance).
      • Valid From: The start date and time for the Leaflet’s validity (useful for promotional materials where visibility can start before the validity).
      • Valid Until: The end date and time for the Leaflet’s validity. After this date the leaflet will disappear from the app.
    • Click on Apply (3) button to save the changes.

  3. Pinning the Leaflet (optional):

    • To keep the Leaflet at the top of the list, turn on Pinned to top (4) option.
    Scheduling the leaflet

    Scheduling the leaflet

Publishing the Leaflet

  1. Add a segment

    • Click Add New (1) to create a segment.
    • Select the desired segment (2) to define who can view the Leaflet.
  2. Save the Leaflet

    • Once all configurations are complete, click the Save (3) button in the top-right corner to publish the Leaflet.
    Add a segment and Save

    Add a segment and Save